French Camp Academy: A Different Kind of Place

by Sylvia and Tom Dickson

One student described French Camp Academy as a different kind of place. She is right. The mission to serve young people and families for the glory of God stands out in a world darkened by sin. Pointing young people to Christ is the hub of all that happens at FCA. The Second Presbyterian Church Foundation partners with us to change lives.  

For approximately 14 years students from Binghamton Christian Academy, formerly known as The Neighborhood School, have attended FCA. They number totals approximately 25. Some stay years and graduate. Others a matter of a semester or two.  

Certainly, we provide solid academics, quality sports programs, safe, structured, stable homes, and opportunities to learn a variety of skills. But our passion is building relationships—pouring our lives into their lives; showing them how to live like Christ; discovering their gifts and encouraging them in using them. In 2016 we added Life Coaching to the way we build strong relationships. This program pairs a student to a life coach. They meet at least once a month going over life issues and building relationships.

David Duarte

David Duarte

We treat each student with love and respect, which some have never had, and they blossom. We show them how God has built order into creation, established natural laws that govern us, and we see their lives change because of this new understanding. We know this because with amazing consistency they tell us this in the senior exit interview.

The purpose is to cast a vision of hope and restoration through the power and work of Jesus Christ by providing tools and scripture for self-evaluation and relational dynamics.  We have planned one such tool specifically for March of 2020. In 2018 we started Family Focused Retreats with the idea of impacting present and former Binghamton/FCA students.

Many students have come from the Memphis area and returned to impact their neighborhoods. Young people with names like Musa, Lakok, Silla, Duarte, whose lives have been impacted by Christ and are accomplishing good things. 

These are some of the ones that Second Presbyterian Foundation is enabling to live fruitfully and reach goals they never dreamed. No longer do they walk with their eyes cast down. They walk more confidently through positive doors you have helped open.