Foundation Newsletter, December 2019


With this issue, a new series begins that lets us hear directly from individuals present and past who have volunteered their time and talents to promote gospel advancing efforts through the Foundation.

We start with Lon Magness, who is a Principal of Reliant Investment Management. He is a current member of the Foundation Board of Directors and is Chairman of its Investment Committee. 

“Becoming involved with the Foundation has been a great reminder that we all have gifts that are useful to the Kingdom and are often not associated with our ideas about ‘ministry’.”


”I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds.” Psalm 9:1

Worshipful thankfulness reveals the heart and instructs the heart. It brings adoration to the Lord and not to the world. 

Here are a few of the many ways that we are thankful regarding our church’s Foundation.


A significant amount of grants were made during this last fiscal year, making it the highest year in the 21-year history of the Foundation in terms of funds granted!

Between undesignated funds, designated funds, and donor advised funds, more than $2.5 million was distributed to mission efforts in our city, country, and around the world.